Junior Red Cross

"Empowering Minds, Nurturing Futures: Unlocking Potential at Holy Child School, Guwahati"

Red Cross is an organisation which is voluntary and humanitarian in nature of work and it needs young people to ensure the continuity and success of its programmes.

On 24th June 1859, in Solferino a town in northern Italy, the Australian and French armies were locked in a bitter battle and after 16 hours of fighting Junior Red Crossthe ground was strewn with 40,000 dead and wounded. The same evening, Henry Dunant, a Swiss citizen, passed through the area on business. He was horrified by the sight of thousands of soldiers from both armies were left to suffer for want of medical services. He appealed to the local people to help him tend the wounded in insisting that soldiers from both armies be cared for.

On his return to Switzerland, Dunant published ‘A Memory of Solferino’. In 1863, the Geneva Society for Public Welfare, a charitable association based in the Swiss city of the same name, set up a five member commission. This commission founded the International Committee for relief to the wounded, which later became the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The JRC services were started in 1925 in India. Indian Red Cross Society recognized the activities of the Red Cross Movement in schools and colleges taught through seven fundamental principles of the Red Cross by involving students in various humanitarian services at a young age.

The JRC has achieved the objectives of serving the sick and the needy and has imported health education and habit through the following programmes in the past :

  • Through street play, rally and demonstration on the theme of the year on occasion of ‘World Health Day’ , ‘World Red Cross Day ’ etc.

  • Feeding programmes in the orphanage and destitute home.

  • Flood and other disaster relief.

  • Eye screening test and eye operation camps.

  • Cleanliness drive in the city/plantation.

  • First aid training and HIV\AIDS awareness.

  • Peace rally etc.

In Holy Child School too we have a JRC unit with 80 members from class VIII to X which involves young volunteers in various humanitarian services like providing first-aid, feeding programmes, rallies and visit to orphanages. Our aim is to achieve the objectives of serving the sick and the needy and impart health education. The JRC unit actively prepares us for all types of emergency situations. Moreover, we have also had the chance to participate in workshops and camps which are fruitful in imbibing the basic steps of first-aid and other necessary things.

The JRC unit in Holy Child School organises many short functions and prayer services in which every JRC volunteer participates actively. Some of the programmes that are organised by us include pre Christmas celebration, Easter celebration, prayer services etc. Such tasks have been accomplished by us to the best of our efforts with the help and guidance of our counsellors Mrs. Agatha Chakraborty and Miss Sumona.

We also contribute to the needs of the sick, needy and the helpless. Our activities also include giving first aid to the injured students during the Sports Day and also during the intervals.

This organisation has implanted in us virtues of generosity, hard work, perseverance and selflessness. Thus the JRC unit aims to have young people recognized by societies as equal partners who address the needs of the most vulnerable.