Principal's Message

Dear Friends, Greetings from Holy Child School, Guwahati. We are happy to begin the new academic session 2024 -2025. Read More

Superior's Message

Dear Friends, I am extremely delighted to pen a few lines in the Website of Holy Child School as I am back again to this Institution after a gap of 27 years. Read More
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Historic Development

About School

Holy Child School shines at the Zenith of Krishnanagar radiating the light of Knowledge and Virtue to thousands of young children of Guwahati.

St. John Bosco, the great educator, started the Salesian Congregation for guiding the misled youth of the times. Prompted by the same desire to help the girls who till then had not received any proper guidance, Mary Mazarello, as an active and creative Holy Child School collaborator of Don Bosco co-founded the institute of the Salesian sisters in 1872 at Mornese ( Italy).

A new child was born to the institute during its centenary year 1972. Thus Holy Child School was started to cater to more young children of the city especially of the neighborhood.

St. John Bosco
- Founder
Our Founder's Message
St. John Bosco, popularly known as Don Bosco (Italian for Father Bosco ) was born at Becchi, in Piedmont, Italy on August 16, 1815
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Co-foundress's Message
God’s ways are marvelous. Contemporaneously with Don Bosco, Mary Mazzarello, in the hamlet of Mornese a little village in Piedmont,.
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Mary Mazarello
- Co-Foundress

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